The Gospel Team

The Deliverance Ministry

Loving greetings in the matchless name of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

As we have entered another Lenten season let us meditate on the cross and suffering of Jesus Christ. Let us examine ourselves before the throne of the almighty God. This will bring us closer to the cross. The spiritual standard of the Christian community has gone down in recent years. Hence, we find marriages breaking everywhere. Satanic activity is at an increase.  Since 01.01.2024 the spiritual darkness has covered the world. The coming of Jesus is very near. Let us be ready to meet him.
I request our dear readers to attend our 2nd Saturday Fasting Prayer and Amavasai Evening Prayer for your blessings. Those who have not received our magazine please be kind enough to contact us. If there is any change in your address, please do inform us. My humble request to our dear readers, after you have finished reading it kindly pass it on to others. If you have not subscribed, will you be kind enough to renew your subscription today. Mode of sending the money is clearly given in this issue. You are welcome to be in touch with me anytime over phone for prayers. I assure you I will pray for you till your miracle is achieved.
Till we meet one another in this page, May Heavens richest blessings be upon you and your family.
                             Bro. D. Jawahar Chelliah